Trauma and Spirituality
Kathleen Denison, M.A., Spiritual Director In my work as a spiritual director and as a hypnotherapist I have helped trauma ...
Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking by Kim Kubal Why do we call ourselves mankind, when there is no kindness left? If we were ...
Healing Tools by Kim Kubal
The following are healing tools: The survivors of severe and recurrent abuse and trauma are incredible human beings! Each person ...
Rebuilding Financial Security After Addiction Excerpt
Those who are recovering from addiction, know first-hand the stress and challenge of trying to regain financial security. If you ...
Journey of Hope from Trauma and Abuse
The purpose of Your Strength to Heal is to serve women in recovery from severe trauma and abuse through informational ...
Trauma, Addiction and Recovery
Addiction to alcohol or drugs is now recognized as a frequent outcome of a traumatic experience or experiences. Sexual trauma ...
Kim Kubal on Healing from Trauma
A few years back, Kim Kubal was interviewed by the public radio station, PenTV in San Mateo County about her ...
Sharing One Another’s Burdens In The Fight Against Human Trafficking
Sharing One Another’s Burdens In The Fight Against Human Trafficking By Pastor Steve Rahter Many of us believe we are ...
Integration and Beyond
This is an article by Sonya: Integration and Beyond Living after integration can be very confusing. It’s supposed to be ...
Trauma and Its Risk Factors
When I first started my own healing journey, I was in such denial of my own traumatic childhood, my addictions ...