There are many different treatment options for healing from trauma, including therapy, somatic work, hypnotherapy, group work, anger work, however for me I found the most rewarding to be EMDR or Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. For six years, I worked with two EMDR therapists to retrieve memories from my childhood trauma, and the trauma present in my body. I relieved the memories, albeit the pain and suffering involved, only to come out the other side and into the light.
This article explains in detail what EMDR does for the client.
If you are a survivor of abuse, a loved one of a survivor, or a professional treating a survivor, you already know the potentially long-lasting and devastating effects that earlier experiences can have on a persons mind and body. Even though human beings seem to have ways to deal with disturbing experiences so that we learn what is useful from them and discard or file away the rest, when experiences are traumatic they may not get processed and integrated into our memories in the usual way. They may leave us with very upsetting images, thoughts and feelings, which may be there all the time or may get triggered by things that remind us of the past. On the other hand, we might not have particular images or thoughts, or even conscious memories of some of the experiences, yet be very much shaped by them in terms of our ways of being and coping in the world.
The rest of the article is on my website