Professional Organizations for Clinicians
International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation
8201 Greensboro Drive, #300
Mclean, VA 22102
- Phone: 703-610-9037
- Fax: 703-610-9005
- Email:
- Website:
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
60 Revere Drive, #500
Northbrook, IL 60062
- Phone: 847-480-9028
- Fax: 847-480-9282
- Email:
- Website:
EMDR-Related Organizations
EMDR Institute, Inc.
PO Box 750
Watsonville, CA 95077
- Phone: 831-761-1040
- Website:
Training institute, founded by originator of EMDR, Dr. Francine Shapiro, Ph.D.—general information, training and workshops, extensive bibliography and research review, access to EMDR books and other resources, therapist listings and referrals.
EMDR International Association (EMDRIA)
PO Box 141925
Austin, TX 78714-1925
- Phone: 512-451-5200 or 866-451-5200 (in U.S.)
- Website:
Professional membership association—general information, resources, standards of practice and training, research, professional conferences and workshops, therapist listings.
EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs (EMDR-HAP)
PO Box 6505
Hamden, CT 06517
- Phone: 203-288-4450
- Website:
Non-profit organization providing low-cost traumatology and EMDR trainings to areas around the world impacted by natural or manmade disasters, war, and social or economic hardship. Help for communities to establish local mental health networks for disaster relief. Literature and resources for EMDR therapists.