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An inspiration quote
“Every single second is an opportunity to change your life, because in any moment you change the way you feel” -Rhonda Byrne
March 29, 2020
Thinking of you
Hi all, Just to let you know you are in my thoughts, particularly at this time. Blessings Kim
March 14, 2020
Self-Harm – Reasons Not To Hurt Yourself by Cheryl Rainfield, 2011 Because you do not deserve to be hurt, not by anyone, not even yourself; Because you deserve the same compassion, kindness, and love that everyone else does, and that you would give to a friend; Because if you hurt yourself, you are repeating and reinforcing what […]
October 9, 2019
STEPS IN THE HEALING OF TRAUMA By Kim Kubal This is a unique set of steps for survivors of trauma as they go through the intense experience of healing from abuse. This is based on my own healing from trauma. Please note these steps do not necessarily follow in this order, and vary with each […]
September 18, 2019
Dealing with Trauma and PTSD – The Healing Zone by Lynette s. Danylchuk, Ph.D.
Lynette S. Danylchuk, Ph.D. Dealing with Trauma and PTSD – The Healing Zone Survivors are quite aware of the intensity of the cycles of flashbacks and numbing characteristic of PTSD. It can be exhausting to fall into flashbacks or to feel like everything, all feelings, are shut down and inaccessible. In working with trauma, it’s […]
August 19, 2019
Jeanette’s story
Jeanette, survivor, nun and former teacher My name is Jeanette Redmond and this is my story. I was a victim of ritual abuse for most of my growing years. I don’t remember the abuse because I left my body and would suppress feelings. As I got older, I realized that alcohol numbed those feelings. I […]
August 6, 2019
Suicide Prevention: How To Heal From Your Pain
Suicide Prevention: How To Heal From Your Pain If you or a loved one is contemplating suicide, it is not too late to find relief from your pain. The following resources are on standby to assist you in overcoming suicidal thoughts: The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available around the clock, every day of the […]
July 16, 2019
Symptoms of RA from
What are the symptoms of ritual abuse? Most symptoms are non-specific to ritual abuse. Trauma is trauma, and physical and sexual abuse is physical and sexual abuse. Because the abuse is so severe, however, the symptoms may be especially severe and recalcitrant. Symptoms that are suggestive of ritual abuse are either a fascination with or a […]
May 15, 2019
Healing Tools for Co-Occurring Addictions by Kim Kubal
Healing Tools for Co-Occurring Addictions Find information and support about co-occurring addictions and how it impacts one’s recovery process. Build a satisfying and meaningful life without drugs or alcohol. This requires time, support and courage. Find a therapist who is skilled in mental health, substance abuse treatment and trauma, and a therapist who has […]
April 29, 2019
Effects of Narcissistic Personality ABuse by Dale Vernor
Effects of Narcissistic Personality Abuse Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a form of mental health issue that can damage relationships. When you suspect loved ones who have this disorder, you may be well aware of how it can wreak havoc in your psyche. What are some of the profound effects of having a narcissist in […]
April 8, 2019
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