Dealing with Trauma and PTSD – The Healing Zone
This article was written by Lynette Danylchuk, PhD. This original article contained diagrams that will be included in my forthcoming ...
Resources for Parents of Traumatized Children
Foreward If your child has experienced trauma, a safe and therapeutic environment is necessary to foster healing and recovery. In ...
Self-care for Trauma Survivors
Based on my healing and other trauma survivors, the following are suggestions for continuing self-care. These suggestions may work for you, ...
Trauma and Its Risk Factors
When I first started my own healing journey, I was in such denial of my own traumatic childhood, my addictions ...
Human Trafficking and Kim’s Story of Healing
Human Trafficking By Kim Kubal for Holy Name College in Oakland. Human Trafficking Why do we call ourselves mankind, when there ...
Healing from Trauma and Ritual Abuse by Kim Kubal
This is my story of healing from trauma and ritual abuse. It has taken me many, many years of therapy, somatic ...
PTSD Symptoms & Secondary Traumatizations
When a person experiences any type of trauma, particularly heavy trauma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder may develop, along with dissociation, ...
Causes of Trauma
This article is very well written by Dr. Rochelle Suri from Your Strength to Heal's website on trauma. Dr. Suri ...
Treatment Options for Trauma Healing
There are many different treatment options for healing from trauma, including therapy, somatic work, hypnotherapy, group work, anger work, however ...
Trauma, Spirituality and Post-traumatic Growth
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks ...